Select a subcategory
Opd Consultation (GY01)
Normal delivery with Episiotomy & Perineal repair (OB1)
Cesarean Section (OB5)
Abdominal Hysterectomy (GY15)
Vaginal Hysterectomy (GY16)
Diagnostic Curettage (GY29)
D & C and Cervical Biopsy (GY31)
Polypectomy (GY32)
Laparoscopy -Diagnostic with chromopertubation (GY36)
Laparoscopy Sterilisation (GY37)
Colposcopy (GY47)
Pap smear (GY59)
Endometrial aspiration cytology (GY60)
Transvaginal sonography (TVS for Follicular monitioringaspiration) (OB29)
Hysteroscopy Diagnostic (GY71)
Sterilisation Post Partum (GY73)
Abortion- Evacuation (OB33)
MTP- 1st Trimester (OB34)
vaccum delivery (OB2)
Low Forceps delivery (OB3)
Laparotomy for Ectopic Rupture (OB9)
Laparotomy-failed laparoscopy to explore (GY2)
Salphingectomy (GY3)
Ovarean Cystectomy-laparoscopic. (GY5)
Ovarean Cystectomy -laparotomy. (GY6)
Exploration of perineal Haematoma & Resuturing of Episiotomy (OB10)
Manual Removal of Placenta (OB13)
3rd stage Complication from extra-institutional delivery (OB14)
Examition under anaesthesia (OB15)
Gaping abdominal wound Secondary Suturing (OB17)
Exploration of PPH-tear repair (OB19)
Suction evacuation vesicular mole Missed abortion D/E (OB21)
Shirodhkar Mc. Dolds stitch (GY14)
Myomectomy -laparotomy (GY17)
Laparotomy for Ectopic Pregnancy (OB 22)
Manchester Operations (GY23)
Perineorrhaphy (GY24)
Colporrhaphy with mesh. (GY25)
Colporrhaphy without mesh. (GY26)
Fractional Curettage (GY30)
Other-Minor Operation Endometrial (GY33)
Excision Vaginal Cyst/Burtholin Cyst (GY34)
Laparoscopy Operative (GY38)
Drilling of Ovary (GY41)
Laparascopic treatment of Ectopic pregnancy-salpingectomy (OB23)
LEETZ(Large Loop Excision of Transformation Zone) (GY48)
Loop Electro Surgical procedures. (GY49)
Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation (GY50)
Laparoscopic cystectomy (GY53)
In Vitro Fertilization (OB27)
Laparotomy Vault suspension (GY55)
Laparotomy radical Lymphedenectomy (GY57)
Transvaginal tubes for Stress incontinence (GY62)
Staging laparotomy surgery for CA Ovary (GY65)
Assisted breech delivery (OB30)
Hysteroscopy TCRE (GY68)
Hysteroscopy Removal of IUCD (GY69)
Hysteroscopy Removal of Septum (GY70)
Werthimas Hystrectomy for Cancer cervix (GY72)
Abortion- D & C (OB32)
MTP - 2nd Trimester (OB35)
Low midcavity forceps (OB4)
Cesarean Hysterectomy (OB6)
Rupture Uterus closure & repair with Tubal Ligation (OB7)
Perforation of Uterus after D/E Laparotomy & Closure (OB8)
Laparotomy-peritonitis Lavage and Draige (GY1)
Salphingo-Oophorectomy (GY4)
Ophorectomy-laparoscopic (GY7)
Oophorectomy-laparotomy (GY8)
Broad Ligment Haemotoma Drainage (GY9)
Exploration of abdominal Haematoma (OB11)
Internal podalic version and breech extraction (OB12)
But-abdomen Repair (GY10)
Gaping Pareneal Wound Secondary Suturing (OB16)
Complete perineal tear-repair (OB18)
Destructive Operation (OB20)
Colpotomy-draige P/V needling EUA (GY11)
Repair of post-coital tear perineal injury (GY12)
Excision of urethral caruncle (GY13)
Myomectomy -laparoscopic (GY18)
Vaginoplasty (GY19)
Vulvectomy -Simple (GY20)
Vulvectomy-Radical (GY21)
RVF (GY22)
Enterocoel repair (GY27)
Excision Vaginal Septum (GY35)
Laparoscopy LAVH (GY39)
Total laproscopic hysterectomy (GY40)
Conisation of cervix (GY42)
Trachleorraphy of cervix for early CA cervix (GY43)
Hysteroscopic cannulation (GY44)
Laparotomy recannulation of Fallopian tubes-(Tubuloplasty) (GY45)
Laparoscopic recannulation of Fallopian tubes-(Tubuloplasty) (GY46)
Chorionic Villi sampling (OB24)
Amneocentosis (OB25)
Karyotyping (OB26)
Thermal balloon ablation. (GY51)
Ultrasonographic myolysis (GY52)
Laparotomy abdominal scaro-colpopexy (GY54)
Laparoscopic Vault suspension (GY56)
Laparoscopic radical Lymphedenectomy (GY58)
laparoscopic treatment for stress incontinence (GY61)
trans-obturator tubes for Stress incontinence (GY63)
Diagnosticcystoscopy (GY64)
Cordocentesis (GY67)
Intra-uterine fetal blood transfusion (OB31)
Sterilisation Intravaginal (GY74)
Ultrasonograpy of Pelvis (GY75)
Ultrasonography early pregnancy (OB36)
Ultrasonography Dating scan (OB37)
Ultrasonography NT & NB scan (OB38)
Ultrasonography Anomaly scan (OB39)
Fetal 2D Echocardiography (OB40)
Ultrasonography Biometry (OB41)
Ultrasonography Obstrectics doppler (OB42)
Ultrasonography of AFI (OB43)
Ultrasonography 3D Obstrectics (OB44)