Select a subcategory
Craniotomy & Evacuation of Subdural Haematoma (NS1)
Craniotomy & Evacuation of Extradural Haematoma (NS2)
CT Brain plain (NU1)
CT Brain with contrast (NU2)
MRI brain with MR angiography (NU3)
EEG study (NU4)
Carotid Artery stenting(one stent) (NU5)
Excision of Lobe (Frontal Temporal etc.) (NS3)
Excision of Brain Tumour -Supratentoral (NS4)
EMG-NCV study (NU6)
Intraarterial thrombolysis for ischemic stroke (NU7)
Epilepsy surgery (NS5)
ECT(electroconvulsive therapy) (NU8)
4 vessels cerebral angiography (NU9)
Subdural Tapping (NS6)
Ventricular Tapping (NS7)
Skull Traction Application (NS8)
Posterior Cervical Dissectomy (NS9)
Anterior Cervical Dissectomy (NS10)
Anterior Lateral Decompression (NS11)
cervical/dorsal/lumbar laminectomy (NS12)
Facial nerve reconstruction (NS14)
chronic subdural hematoma Burr hole evacuation (NS15)
Lumbar puncture (NU10)
Aneurysm coiling (NU11)
Endoscopic - aneurysm coiling (NS16)
carpel Tunnel decompression (NS17)
Clipping of intracranial aneurysm (NS18)
Transcranial doppler study (NU12)
MRI Brain plain (NU13)
MRI cervical spine (NU14)
MRI Dorsolumbar spine (NU15)
MRI Dorsolumbar spine (NU16)
Neuro ICU /day (NS18)
Evacuation /Excision of Brain Abscess (NS19)
Surgery of spinal Cord Tumour (NS20)
Ventriculoatrial /Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt (NS21)
Twist Drill Craniostomy (NS22)
Abscess Tapping (NS23)
Placement of ICP Monitor - (NS24)
Lumbar Pressure Monitoring (NS25)
Intracranial Vascular Malformations surgery (NS26)
C.S.F. Rhinorrhaea repair (NS27)
Brachial Plexus Exploration Microsuturing (NS28)
Median Nerve Decompression (NS29)
Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Peripheral Nerve Surgery-minor (NS31)
Nerve Biopsy (NU17)
Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery with fusion (NS32)
Brain Mapping (NU18)
Depressed skull Fracture surgery (NS33)
Spinal Fusion Procedure (NS34)
Trans Sphenoidal Surgery of brain (NS35)
Trans Oral Surgery of brain (NS36)
Implantation of DBS -One electrode (NS37)
Implantation of DBS -two electrodes (NS38)
Recanalisation of venous sinuses (NS39)
Cervical disc arthroplasty (NS40)
Lumbar disc arthroplasty (NS41)
Endoscopic CSF rhinorrhea rapair (NS42)
Microsurgical excision of meningomas (NS43)
Cervical laminoplasty (NS44)
IC EC bypass procedures (NS45)
Steriotactic guided craniotomy (NS46)
Programmable VP shunt (NS47)
Endoscopic sympathectomy (NS48)
External ventricular drainage (NS49)
Endoscopic cranial surgery/Biopsy/etc (NS50)
Endoscopic discectomy (NS51)
Surgery for groving skull fractures (NS52)
Surgery for intracranial Arteriovenous malformation(AVM) (NS53)
Endovascular procedure/embolisation (NS54)
steriotactic aspiration of intracerebral haematoma (NS55)
Endoscopic aspiration of intracerebellar haematoma (NS56)
CT Brain and Neck Angiogram (NU19)
CT Brain venography (NU20)
MRI Brain with contrast (NU21)
MRI BRAIN diffusion scan (NU22)
MRI Brain venography (NU23)
MRI whole spine (NU24)
MRI Brain perfusion & spectroscopy (NU25)
EMG study (NU26)
NCV study (NU27)
Video EEG study (NU28)
Sleep study (NU29)
Narcoanalysis (NU30)
Polysomnography (NU31)
Stellate Ganglion Block (NU32)
Transsphenoidal Pituitary Adenoma excision (NS57)
Excision of Brain Tumour -Infratentoral (NS58)
Theco-peritoneal Shunt (NS59)
Meningo Encephalocoele excision (NS60)
Meningomyeloceole (NS61)
Cranioplasty (NS62)
Peripheral Neurectomy (Tirgeminal) (NS63)
Trigeminal Rhiotomy (NS64)
Cranial Nerve Anastomosis (NS65)
ventriculo-Atrial Shunt (without valve) (NS66)
Brain Biopsy (NS67)
Combined Trans-oral Surgery & CV Junction Fusion (NS68)
C.V. Junction Fusion procedures (NS69)
R.F. Lesion for Trigeminal Neuralgia - (NS70)
Spasticity Surgery - (NS71)
Spinal Intra Medullary Tumour (NS72)
Spinal Bifida Surgery Major (NS73)
Spinal Bifida Surgery Minor (NS74)
Stereotaxic Procedures- biopsy/aspiration (NS75)
Endoscopic adueductoplasty (NS76)
Corpus callosectomy (NS77)
Hemishpherectomy (NS78)
Microsurgical excision of Acoustic tomour (NS79)
RF lesion for facet pain syndrome (NS80)
Lateral mass C1-C2 screw fixation (NS81)
Microsurgical decompression for Trigeminal nerve (NS82)
Cerebellar stimulation for hemifacial spasm (NS83)
Cerebellar stimulation in cranial nerve neuralgia (NS84)
Pump implantation for movement disorder (NS85)
Image guided surgery Excision of tethored (NS86)
Endoscopic 3rd ventriculostomy (NS87)
Foramen magnum decompression (NS88)
Foramen magnum decompression with syringosubarachnoid shunt (NS89)
Dorsal column stimulation for failed back syndrome (NS90)
Surgery for recurrent disc prolapse/epidural fibrosis (NS91)
Surgery for brain stem tumour (NS92)
Programmable shunts (NS93)
Decompressive craniectomy for hemishpherical lesion (NS94)
Steriotactic Radiosurgery for brain (X/gamma knife) one session (NS95)
Steriotactic Radiosurgery for brain(X//Gamma knife -Two session (NS96)
CT Orbit(eye) plain (NU33)
CT Orbit(eye) plain and contrast (NU34)
MRI CSF flowmetry (NU35)
MRI DTI brain & spine (NU36)
Suture Of Nerve Requiring Extensive Mobilisation (NS97)
Primary Suture Nerves (NS98)
Suture Of Major Peripheral Nerves - Arm/Leg (NS99)
Suture Of Digital Nerve - Hand / Foot (NS100)
Secondary Repair Of Nerve (NS101)
Excision of Neuroma
Excision of Neuroma (NS103)
Lateral Popliteal Nerve Decompression (NS104)
Excision Of Neuroma - Major Peripheral Nerves (NS105)
Intra-Spinal Injection (NU37)
Peripheral Nerve Block (NU38)
Epidural Injection Anaesthetic - Lumbar / Caudal (NU39)
IV Guanethidine Block Or Similar (NU40)
Coeliac Plexus Block (NS106)
Nerve Root Injection (Trans-Foraminal) (NS107)
Open Neurolysis of Peripheral Nerve (NS108)
Micro Vascular Decompression in Trigeminal Neuralgia (NS109)
Excision of Supratentoral Tumour Except Meningioma (NS110)
Acoustic Neuroma surgery (NS111)
Translabyrinthine Excision Of Tumour (NS112)
Posterior Fossa Craniectomy with Excision of Tumour (NS113)
Repair Of Encephalocele (NS114)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Cervical (NS115)
Posterior Fossa microvascular cranial nerve decompression (NS116)
Percutanoeus balloon compression of trigeminal Nerve/Ganglion (NS117)
Excision of Meningioma -Infratentorial (NS118)
Excision of Meningioma -Supratentorial (NS119)
Excision of Midline Base of Skull Tumour (NS120)
Excision of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumour (NS121)
Burr Hole for Biopsy of Intracranial Lesion (NS122)
Burr Hole Stereotactic Biopsy for intracranial lesion (NS123)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Thoracic (NS124)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Lumbar (NS125)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Sacral (NS126)