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Ophthalmology (Eye)
Refractive Surgery (OP01)
Cataract surgery with standard (monofocal) lens (OP1)
Cataract surgery with multifocal lens (OP2)
Cataract surgery with Toric lens (OP3)
Scleral Buckle For Retinal Detachment (OP4)
Photocoagulation For Retinopathy Of Prematurity (OP5)
Pediatric Cataract Surgery - Phacoemulsification
Glaucoma Filtering Surgery For Paediatric Glaucoma (OP7)
Photocoagulation For Diabetic Retinopathy Per Sitting (OP8)
Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty (OP9)
Lamellar Keratoplasty (OP10)
Corneal Patch Graft (OP11)
Scleral Patch Graft (OP12)
Penetrating Keratoplasty (OP13)
Cataract surgery with Aspheric lens (OP14)
Cataract surgery with Crystalens lens (OP15)
Double Z Plasty (OP16)
Amniotic Membrane Graft (OP17)
Vitrectomy (OP18)
Vitrectomy + Membrane Peeling+ Endolaser (OP19)
Anti-VEGF Per Injection (OP20)
Vitrectomy - Membrane Peeling Endolaser/ Silicon Oil / Gas (OP21)
Removal Of Silicon Oil Or Gas (OP22)
Vitrectomy Plus Silicon Oil Or Gas. (OP23)
Socket Reconstruction (OP24)
Dermis Fat Graft (OP25)
Orbitotomy (OP26)
Enuleation With Orbital Implant (OP27)
Rectus Muscle Surgery Single. (OP28)
Rectus Muscle Surgery Two/Three (OP29)
Oblique Muscle (OP30)
Lid Reconstruction Surgery (OP31)
Orbital Abscess incision and draige (OP32)
Biopsy (OP33)
Paracentesis (OP34)
Scleral graft for scleral melting or perforation (OP35)
Amniotic membrane grafting (OP36)
Cyclodiathermy (OP37)
Intraocular foreign body removal (OP38)
Electrolysis (OP39)
Perforating injury repair (OP40)
Botulinum injection for blepharospasm or squint (OP41)
Orbital angio-graphical studies (OP42)
SICS with IOL (OP43)
Pa pla lensectomy with/without IOL (OP44)
Secondary IOL implantation- AC IOL PC IOL or scleral (OP45)
Cataract extraction with IOL with capsular tension rings (OP46)
Optic nerve sheathotomy (OP47)
Iridodialysis repair or papillary reconstruction (OP48)
Iris cyst removal (OP49)
Lid Abscess incision and draige (OP50)
Evisceration (OP51)
Evisceration with orbital implants and artificial prosthesis (OP52)
Telecanthus correction (OP53)
Orbital decompression (OP54)
Exenteration with skin grafting (OP55)
Fracture orbital repair (OP56)
Retinal laser procedures (OP57)
retinal detachment surgery (OP58)
retinal detachment surgery with scleral buckling (OP59)
Buckle removal (OP60)
Silicone oil removal (OP61)
Anterior retinal cryopexy (OP62)
Squint correction for one eye (OP63)
Squint correction for both eyes (OP64)
Trabeculectomy (OP65)
Trabeculotomy (OP66)
Trabeculectomy with Trabeculotomy (OP67)
Trephition (OP68)
Goniotomy (OP69)
Glaucoma surgery with Glaucoma valves (OP70)
Cyclocryotherapy (OP71)
YAG laser iridotomy (OP72)
YAG laser capsulotomy (OP73.)
ALT-Argon laser trabeculoplasty (OP74)
PDT-Photodymic therapy (OP75)
TTT- Transpupillary thermal therapy (OP76)
PTK- Phototherapeutic keratectomy (OP77)
Argon/diode laser for retina detachment (OP78)
ntralase application for keratoconus (OP79)
EOG- electro-oculogram (OP80)
ERG- Electrio-retinogram (OP81)
VEP- visually evoked potential (OP82)
Intravitreal injections- of antibiotics (OP83)
Intravitreal injections (OP84)
Intravitreal injections (OP85)
X- Ray orbit (OP86)
Dacryocystography (OP87)
Orbital angio-graphical studies (OP88)
CT ORBIT(Plain) (OP89)
CT ORBIT(With contrast) (OP90)
MRI ORBIT(With contrast) (OP92)
Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery
Peadiatric Cardiac Surgery (C01)
2D Echocardiography (C02)
Angiography of heart (C1)
Angioplasty Third Generation Imported Drug Stent(C2)
Angioplasty third generation Indian Drug stent(C3)
Bypass /CABG On beating heart (CV1)
A V Fistula At Wrist (CV2)
Angioplasty with bioabsorbable stent (C4)
Peripheral Vessel Angiography (C5)
Permanent Pacemaker single lead dual chamber pacing (C6)
Permanent Pacemaker ( 2 leads) (C7)
Balloon mitral valvotomy/BMV/PTMV (C8)
Permanent Pacemaker (1 lead) Ventricular pacing (C9)
Renal Angioplasty 1 stent (C10)
Peripheral vessel angioplasty 1 stent (C11)
ASD device closure (C12)
VSD device closure (C13)
PDA device closure (C14)
Cardiac ICU bed charges per day (C15)
Bypass/CABG off Pump with IABP (CV3)
Mitral Valve Replacement ( metallic Valve) (CV4)
Mitral Valve Replacement (With tissue Valve) (CV5)
Aortic Valve Replacement (With metallic Valve) (CV6)
Aortic Valve Replacement (With tissue Valve) (CV7)
Total Correction Of TOF (1-3y/toddler) (CV8)
Total Correction Of TOF(3-14y child) (CV9)
Arterial Embolectomy (CV10)
Heart/Cardiac Transplant (CV11)
Peripheral Embolectomy With Graft (CV12)
Heart Lung transplant (CV13)
Diaphragmatic Hernia (child) (CV14)
Hiatus Hernia repair laproscopic (adult) (CV15)
EP Study (C16)
Angioplasty Second Generation Indian drug Stent (C17)
Angioplasty second Generation imported drug Stent (C18)
RFA(Radiofrequency ablation) (C19)
24 hour Holter study (C20)
Renal Angioplasty with 2 stent/bilateral (C21)
Angiography with IAPB support (C22)
Angioplasty with IABP support (C23)
Angioplasty with IVUS study (C24)
Angioplasty with OCT study (C25)
Angioplasty with FFR study (C26)
Myocardial biospy (C27)
EECP therapy (C28)
ECMO therapy (C29)
Cardiac stress test/TMT (C30)
Stress Echocardiography (C33)
CABG With Aneurysmal Repair (CV16)
Mitral Valve Replacement with CABG and (With tissue Valve) (CV17)
Mitral Valve Replacement with CABG (With metallic Valve) (CV18)
Bentall procedure (With tissue Valve) (CV19)
Bentall procedure (With metallic Valve) (CV20)
Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement (With tissue Valve) (CV21)
Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement (With metallic Valve) (CV22)
Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement (With tissue Valve) (CV23)
Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement (With metallic Valve) (CV24)
Tricuspid Valve Replacement (CV25)
Tricuspid Valve and mitral valve Replacement (metallic valve) (CV26)
Tricuspid Valve and mitral valve Replacement (1 Tissue and 1 metallic ) (CV27)
Coarctation Repair Without Graft (CV28)
Aneurysm Resection & Grafting (CV29)
Intrathoracic Aneurysm Not Requiring Bypass (With Graft) (CV30)
Intrathoracic Aneurysm Requiring Bypass (With Graft) (CV31)
TGA Sennings Procedure (CV32)
Carotid Embolectomy (CV33)
TAPVC Correction (CV34)
Valve Repair With Prosthetic Ring (CV35)
Aorto-Aorto Bypass Without Graft (CV36)
Femoroileal Bypass Without Graft (CV37)
Femoro-Femoral Bypass Without Graft (CV38)
TGA Arterial Switch (CV39)
Systemic Pulmonary Shunts With Graft (CV40)
Systemic Pulmonary Shunts Without Graft (CV41)
Ross procedure - Without Special Conduits (CV42)
Ross procedure -With Special Conduits (CV43)
Valve Repair Without Prosthetic Ring (CV44)
Open Pulmonary Valvotomy (CV45)
Intracardiac repair of multiple ASD (CV46)
Aorto Billac - Bifemoral Bypass With Synthetic Graft (CV47)
Axillo Bifemoral Bypass With Synthetic Graft (CV48)
Femorodistal Bypass With Vein Graft (CV49)
Femorodistal Bypass With Synthetic Graft (CV50)
Axillo Brachial Bypass Using With Synthetic Graft (CV51)
Brachioradial Bypass With Synthetic Graft (CV52)
Carotid Artery Bypass With Synthetic Graft (CV53)
Percardiostomy (CV54)
Pericardial biospy (CV55)
Pericardiectomy (CV56)
Intercoastal tube both side (CV57)
Small Arterial Aneurysms - Repair (CV58)
Medium Size Arterial Aneurysms - Repair (CV59)
Medium Size Arterial Aneurysms With Synthetic Graft (CV60)
Haitus hernia repair(laproscopic) (CV61)
Hiatus Hernia repair open(adult) (CV62)
Angioplasty with first Generation Indian drug Stent (C34)
Angioplasty with first Generation imported drug Stent (C35)
CRT (C46)
ICD (C47)
CRT-ICD(Combo device) (C48)
CT Coronary Angiography (C49)
Cardiac MRI (C50)
CT Aortogram (C51)
CT Peripheral Angiography (C52)
Cardiac CT for pericardium (C53)
A V Fistula At Elbow (CV63)
Heart Lung transplant (CV64)
CT pulmonary angiography (C54)
Thorascopic Pleurodesis Stapling Bullae (CV65)
Abdominal Aneurysm Replacement - Infrarenal Tube Graft (CV66)
Abdominal Aneurysm Replacement - Infrarenal Graft To Iliac (CV67)
Abdominal Aneurysm Replacement - Infrarenal Graft To Femoral (CV68)
Abdominal Aneurysm - Infrarenal - Endoluminal Stent-Graft Repair (CV69)
Abdominal Aneurysm - Infrarenal - (EVAR) with Bifurcation graft (CV70)
Maze Arrhythmia Surgery (CV71)
Maze Procedure - Thoracoscopic (Limited) (CV72)
Maze Procedure - Thoracoscopic (Extensive) (CV73)
Angioplasty with Bare metal stent (C56)
AMBP Study(24 hour BP Monitoring) (C57)
Extended holter study(72 hours) (C59)
Stress thallium scan (C63)
Cardiac PET (C64)
HUTT(head up tilt test) (C65)
Coarctoplasty wth balloon (C66)
Intercoastal tube insertion(one side) (CV74)
BAS(balloon Atrial Spetostomy) (C67)
ECG/EKG(Electrocardiogram) (C68)
Balloon pulmonary valvotomy(BPV) (C69)
Balloon Aortic valvotomy/BAV (C70)
Balloon Tricuspid valvotomy(BTV) (C71)
Event Recorder (C72)
General (Endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Pediatric Surgery)
Homeopath Consultation (GH01)
Opd Consultation (G01)
Open Appendectomy(GS1)
Laproscopic Appendectomy (GS2)
Open Cholecystectomy (GS3)
Laproscopic Cholecystectomy (GS4)
Open Cholecystectomy with CBD Exploration(GS5)
OGD scopy/Upper G.I Endoscopy (GE1)
Colonoscopy /Lower GI endoscopy(GE2)
Inguinal /groin Hernia with mesh (one side)(GS6)
External Haemorrhoidectomy(GS7)
Infrared Coagulation of Haemorrhoids(GS8)
Banding Of Haemorrhoids(GS9)
Diagnostic Laparoscopy - Gastrointestinal(GS10)
Liver transplant(GS11)
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy(GE3)
Endoscopic biopsy(GE4)
Band ligation of oesophageal varices(GE5)
Sclerotherapy of oesophageal varices(GE6)
Gastrojejunostomy or Roux-en-Y Anastomosis(GS12)
Laproscopic Cholecystostomy With Exploration CBD(GS13)
Inguinal /groin hernia with mesh (both side)(GS14)
Hydroceole surgery(one side)(GS15)
Hydroceole surgery(both side)(GS16)
Anal Sphincterotomy(GS17)
Simple Repair Of Anal Fistula(GS18)
Advancement Flap Haemorrhoidectomy(GS19)
Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy(GS20)
Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (HAL)(GS21)
Pilonidal Abscess Including Drainage(GS22)
Injection Of Haemorrhoids(GS23)
Pilonidal Abscess Including Drainage(GS24)
Laparoscopic Partial Gastrectomy(GS25)
Gastrectomy - Partial(GS26)
Toupet Fundoplication - Adult - Open(GS27)
Toupet Fundoplication - Adult - Laparoscopic(GS28)
Freeing Of Minor Abdominal Adhesions(GS29)
Laparoscopic Freeing Of Minor Abdominal Adhesions(GS30)
Freeing Of Major Abdominal Adhesions(GS31)
Laparoscopic Liver Biopsy(GS33)
Liver Lobectomy (Right Or Left)(GS34)
Radiofrequency Ablation of the Liver(GS35)
Colostomy Closure(GS37)
Modified radical Mastectomy(MRM)(GS38)
Bilateral Mastectomy(GS39)
Duodenal Perforation surgery(GS40)
Operation For Bleeding Peptic Ulcer(GS41)
Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy For Ulcer(GS42)
Operation For Acute Intestinal Obstruction(GS43)
Prolapse Of Rectum - Abdominal Rectopexy(GS44)
Prolapse Of Rectum - Excision Of Rectal Mucosa (GS45)
Prolapse Of Rectum - Laparoscopic Rectopexy(GS46)
Lipoma excision(superficial)(GS47)
Colonoscopy with Biospy(GE7)
Colonoscopy with Biopsy and Dilatation(GE8)
Colonoscopy With Removal of Polyps(GE9)
Endoscopic mucosal resection(GE10)
Oesophageal stricture dilatation(GE11)
Foreign body removal(GE12)
Glue injection of varices(GE13)
Piles banding(GE50)
Diagnostic ERCP(GE14)
CBD stone extraction(ENDOSCOPIC)(GE15)
CBD stricture dilatation(ENDOSCOPIC)(GE16)
Diagnostic ultrasound(ABDOMEN)(GS51)
Ultrasound guided FNAC(GS52)
Ultrasound guided abscess drainage(GS53)
Creation of Gastrostomy or Jejunostomy(GS55)
Abscess OR Cellulitis Requiring Incision Or Drainage(GS56)
Debridement of infected wound area & closure(GS57)
Drainage Of Haematoma(GS58)
Endo Venous Laser Ablation of Varicose Veins(GS59)
Endo Venous Radio Frequency Ablation of Varicose Veins(GS60)
Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy - Varicose Veins(GS61)
Varicose Veins Surgery(GS62)
Excision Of Anal Skin Tag(GS63)
Insertion of Seton Tube(GS64)
Anal Fistula Repair with Mucosal Advancement Flap(GS65)
Anal Dilatation(GS66)
Excision Of Pilonidal Sinus(GS67)
Injection for anal fissure (GS68)
Laproscopic Splenectomy(GS69)
Open Splenectomy (GS70)
Gastrectomy - Total (GS71)
Total Gastrectomy And Oesaphogectomy (GS72)
Repair Of Sphincter Of Oddi(GS73)
Repair Of Pancreatic Duct Sphincter(GS74)
Small Bowel Resection(GS75)
Small Bowel Strictureplasty(GS76)
Laparoscopic Small Bowel Resection(GS77)
Biopsy of Internal Mass or Tumour (standalone)(GS78)
Brachial Cyst Excision(GS80)
Cystic Hygroma Excision-Extensive(GS81)
Abbe Operation(GS82)
Vermilionectomy (GS83)
Wedge Excision& Vermilionectomy (GS84)
Cystic Hygroma Excision-Major(GS85)
Cystic Hygroma Excision-Minor(GS86)
Cervical Rib Excision(GS87)
Excision Of Lingual Thyroid(GS88)
Removal Of Submandibular Salivary Gland(GS89)
Branchial Sinus Excision(GS90)
Segmental Mandible Excision(GS92)
Carotid Body-Tumours Excision(GS93)
Biopsy of Liver open incidental(GS94)
Biopsy of Liver - With Ultrasound Guidance (GS95)
Biopsy of Liver -CT guided(GS96)
Hepatic Cryotherapy(GS97)
Operation For Hydatid Cyst Liver(GS98)
Portocaval Anastomosis(GS99)
Repair Of CBD(GS100)
Operation Of Adrenal Glands Bilateral For Tumour (GS101)
Operation On Adrenal Glands Unilateral For Tumour(GS102)
Splenorenal Anastomosis(GS103)
Warren Shunt(GS104)
Mal-Rotation & Volvulus Of The Midgut(GS105)
Operation For Volvulus Of Large Bowel (GS106)
Operation Of The Duplication Of The Intestines(GS107)
Left Hemi Colectomy(GS108)
Right Hemi Colectomy(GS109)
Total Colectomy(GS110)
Simple Mastectomy(NM) (GS111)
Epigastric Hernia Without Mesh(GS112)
Epigastric Hernia With Mesh(GS113)
Hiatus Hernia Repair Abdominal(GS114)
Ventral And Scar Hernia With Mesh(GS115)
Appendicular Perforation(GS116)
Highly Selective Vagotomy(GS117)
Gastrostomy Closure (GS118)
Selective Vagotomy Drainage(GS119)
Vagotomy Pyloroplasty(GS120)
Gastrojejunostomy & Vagotomy(GS121)
Pyloromyotomy (GS122)
Operation For Acute Intestinal Perforation(GS125)
Operation For Haemorrhage Of The Small Intestine(GS126)
Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction (Noble Plication Other) (GS127)
Resection & Anastomosis Of Small Intestine(GS128)
Ileostomy Closure(GS130)
Reversal of Hartmann
Pull Through Abdominal Resection (GS131)
Anterior Resection(GS132)
Dynamic Graciloplasty(GS133)
Cyst excision(GD134)
Lipoma excision(deep)(GS135)
Balloon dilatation of achalasia(GE17)
Oesophageal stenting(GE18)
Argon plasma coagulation(GS136)
Pyloric balloon dilatation(GE19)
Enteral stenting(GE20)
Duodel stricture dilation(GE21)
Single balloon enterocopy(GE22)
Double balloon enteroscopy(GE23)
Wireless Capsule endoscopy(GE24)
BRAVO pH Monitoring System(GE25)
Colonic stricture dilatation(GE26)
Hot biopsy forceps procedures(GS137)
Colonic stenting(GE27)
Endoscopic sphincterotomy(GE28)
Biliary stenting (plastic and metallic)(GE29)
Mechanical lithotripsy of CBD stones(GE30)
Pancreatic sphincterotomy(GE31)
Pancreatic stricture dilatation(GE32)
Pancreatic stone extraction(GE33)
Mechanical lithotripsy of pancreatic stones(GE34)
Endoscopic cysto gastrostomy(GE34)
Balloon dilatation of papilla(GE35)
Endoscopic ultrasound(GE36)
Biliary stenting(GE37)
Repair Of Epigastric Hernia(GS138)
Parastomal Hernia Repair(GS140)
Repair Of Incisional Hernia(GE141)
Repair Of Complicated Incisional Hernia(GS142)
Repair Of Laparoscopic Incisional Hernia(GS143)
Spigelian Hernia(GS144)
Repair Of Minor Umbilical Hernia
Repair Of Major Umbilical Hernia - Adult(GS146)
Unilateral Hernia - Femoral Repair(GS147)
Unilateral Laparoscopic Hernia - Inguinal Repair(GS148)
CT Abdomen and pelvis plain(GS149)
CT Abdomen and pelvis plain and contrast(GS150)
CT guided biospy(GS151)
Ultrasound Abdomen and pelvis(GS152)
Virtual Colonoscopy /Enteroscopy (CT)(GS154)
ENT (Ear Nose and Throat)
OPD Consultation (ENT01)
Endoscopic Sinus (ENT02)
Tonsillectomy (ENT1)
FESS for ethmoidal polyp (ENT2)
Ear Lobe Repair one side (ENT3)
Septoplasty (ENT4)
Direct laryngoscopy including Biopsy under GA (ENT5)
oesophagoscopy/foreign body removal from (ENT6)
Punch/Wedge biopsy (ENT7)
Uvulo-palatoplasty (ENT8)
FESS for antrochoal polyp (ENT9)
Polyp removal ear (ENT10)
Polyp removal Nose(Septal polyp) (ENT11)
Mastoidectomy plus Ossciculoplasty including TORP or PORP (ENT12)
Nasal Packing-posterior (ENT13)
Tongue Tie excision (ENT14)
Adenoidectomy (ENT15)
Bronchoscopy with F.B.removal (ENT16)
Excision of Pin for Growth (Squamous/Basal/ Injuries) Skin only (ENT17)
Excision of Pin for Growth (Squamous/Basal/ Injuries) Skin and cartiage (ENT18)
Block Dissection of Cervical Lymph Nodes (ENT19)
Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge-Excision (ENT20)
Pure Tone Audiogram (ENT21)
Impedence with stepedeal reflex (ENT22)
Removal of foreign body From Nose (ENT23)
Removal of foreign body From Ear (ENT24)
Syringing (Ear) (ENT25)
Polyp removal under LA (ENT26)
Polyp removal under GA (ENT27)
Peritonsillar abscess draige under LA (ENT28)
Myringoplasty (ENT29)
Staepedectomy (ENT30)
Myringotomy with Grommet insertion (ENT31)
Tympanotomy (ENT32)
Tympanoplasty (ENT33)
Mastoidectomy (ENT34)
Otoplasty (ENT35)
Facial Nerve Decompression (ENT36)
Submucous Resection (ENT37)
Septo-rhinoplasty (ENT38)
Rhinoplasty- Non-cosmetic (ENT39)
Fracture Reduction (ENT40)
Intra sal Diathermy (ENT41)
Turbinectomy (ENT42)
Endoscopic DCR (ENT43)
Endoscopic Surgery (ENT44)
Septal Perf. Repair (ENT45)
Antrum Puncture (ENT46)
Mandibulectomy (ENT47)
Partial Glossectomy (ENT48)
Hemiglossectomy (ENT49)
Parotidectomy - Superficial (ENT50)
Parotidectomy - total (ENT51)
Removal of Submandibular Salivary gland (ENT52)
Hemithyroidectomy (ENT53)
Partial Thyroidectomy (lobectomy) (ENT54)
Subtotal Thyroidectomy (ENT55)
Total Thyroidectomy (ENT56)
Resection Enucleation of thyroid Adenoma (ENT57)
Total Thyroidectomy and Block Dissection (ENT58)
Laryngectomy (ENT59)
Laryngo Pharyngectomy (ENT60)
Direct Laryngoscopy including biopsy under GA (ENT61)
Phonosurgery (ENT62)
Fibroptic examition of Larynx under LA (ENT63)
Microlaryngeal Surgery (ENT64)
Modified Radical Neck Dissection (ENT65)
Total Laryngectomy (ENT66)
Flap Reconstructive Surgery (ENT67)
Lateral Rhinotomy (ENT68)
Cranio-facial resection (ENT69)
Caldwell Luc Surgery (ENT70)
Angiofibroma Excision (ENT71)
Endoscopic Hypophysectomy (ENT72)
Endoscopic Optic Nerve Decompression (ENT73)
Decompression of Orbit (ENT74)
Endolymphatic sac decompression (ENT75)
Diagnostic sal endoscopy under GA (ENT76)
Yonges operation for Atrophic rhinitis (ENT77)
Vidian neurectomy for vasomotor Rhinitis (ENT78)
sal Packing-anterior (ENT79)
Ranula Excision (ENT80)
Sub Mandibular Duct Lithotomy (ENT81)
Palatopharyngoplasty (ENT82)
Cleft Palate repair (ENT83)
Pharyngoplasty (ENT84)
Styloidectomy (ENT85)
Partial Amputation of Pin (ENT86)
Total Amputation of Pin (ENT87)
Total Amputation & Excision of Exterl Auditory Meatus (ENT88)
Excision of simple Cystic Hygroma (ENT89)
Excision of extensive Cystic Hygroma (ENT90)
Excision of Branchial Cyst (ENT91)
Excision of Branchial Sinus (ENT92)
Excision of Pharyngeal Diverticulum (ENT93)
Excision of Carotid Body-Tumour (ENT94)
Operation for Cervical Rib (ENT95)
Pharyngectomy & Reconstruction (ENT96)
Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Vermilionectomy (ENT97)
Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge Excision and Vermilonectomy (ENT98)
Estlander Operation (ENT99)
Abbe Operation (ENT100)
Cheek Advancement (ENT101)
Excision of the Maxilla (ENT102)
Excision of mandible-segmental (ENT103)
SISI Tone Decay (ENT104)
Multiple hearing assessment test to Adults (ENT105)
Speech Discrimition Score (ENT106)
Speech Assessment (ENT107)
Speech therapy per session of 30-40 minutes (ENT108)
Cold Calorie Test for Vestibular function (ENT109)
Labyrinthectomy (ENT110)
Skull Base surgery (ENT111)
Total Glossectomy (ENT112)
Commondo Operation (ENT113)
Parotidectomy -Radical (ENT114)
Repair of Parotid Duct (ENT115)
Excision of Lingual Thyroid (ENT116)
Excision of Thyroglossal Cyst/Fistula (ENT117)
Excision of Parathyroid Adenoma/Carcinoma (ENT118)
Hyoid Suspension (ENT119)
Genioplasty (ENT120)
Laryngofissure (ENT121)
Tracheal Stenosis Excision (ENT122)
Benign Tumour Excisions (ENT123)
Carotid Body Excision (ENT124)
Parapharyngeal Tumour Excision (ENT125)
Orthopaedic Consultation (ORC01)
Orthopaedic Surgery (Joint and Bones)
Non-Surgical Knee Treatment (ORN1)
Orthopaedic Consultation (ORC01)
Total Knee Replacement-unilateral (one side) (OR1)
Total Knee Replacement-bilateral (bothside) (OR2)
Orthopaedic Consultation (ORC01)
Ozone Discectomy (OR02)
Spine Manipulation Therapy(OR03)
Arthroscopy Knee - Diagnostic unilateral(one side) (OR3)
Arthroscopy Knee with Arthroscopic Procedure - Unilateral (OR4)
Total Hip Joint Replacement unilateral(one side) (OR5)
Total Hip Joint Replacement bilateral(both side) (OR6)
Arthroplasty Hip - Hemi - Femoral (OR7)
Arthroplasty Hip - Hemi - Acetabulum (Cup) (OR8)
Lumbar spice Discectomy 1 Level (OR9)
Lumbar spine Discectomy 2 or More Levels (OR10)
Posterior Cervical spine Decompression 1 Level (OR11)
Posterior Cervical spine Decompression 2 or More Levels (OR12)
Synovectomy Of Knee (OR13)
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Decompression 1 Level (OR14)
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Decompression 2 or More Levels (OR15)
Revision Hip Replacement - Femoral and acetabular (OR16)
Revision Hip Replacement - Acetabular Only (OR17)
Revision Hip Replacement - Femoral Only (OR18)
Revision Knee Replacement one side (OR19)
Hip Arthroscopy (OR20)
Hip Arthroscopy With Therapeutic Procedure - Unilateral (OR21)
Shoulder Arthroscopy Decompression And Rotator Cuff Repair (OR22)
Arthroscopy & Stabilisation Of Shoulder (OR23)
Removal Of Calcareous Deposits from shoulder (OR24)
Rotator Cuff Repair shoulder (OR25)
Repair of Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation - Unilateral (OR26)
Knee Arthrotomy (OR27)
Amputation - Finger Or Thumb Any Joint (OR28)
Carpal Tunnel Release-one side (unilateral) (OR29)
Carpal Tunnel Release - Bilateral (OR30)
Incision Of Tendon Sheath (OR31)
Amputation Of Toe - MTP Joint (OR32)
Amputation Of Toe - IP Joint (OR33)
Arthrotomy & Removal Of Loose Bodies - Elbow (OR34)
Arthrotomy - Elbow (OR35)
Open Tenotomy Not Elsewhere Classified (OR36)
Decompression Fasciotomy (Compartment Syndrome) unilateral (OR37)
Decompression Fasciotomy (Compartment Syndrome) - Bilateral (OR38)
Excision Bursa (OR39)
Bone Graft (OR40)
Excision Exostosis - Superficial (OR41)
Upper Limb - Below Elbow - Plaster (OR42)
Lower Limb - Above Knee - Plaster (OR43)
Lower Limb - Below Knee - Plaster (OR44)
Debridement of Joint Not Elsewhere Classified (OR45)
Open Debridement of Tendon - Not Elsewhere Classified (OR46)
Removal Of Metal - Minor (OR47)
Hip Arthrotomy - Unilateral (OR48)
Removal Of Hip Prosthesis For Infection (Without Revision) (OR49)
Hip Resurfacing (OR50)
Osteotomy - Distal Femur (OR51)
Removal Of Intramedullary Rod - Unilateral (OR52)
Femur - Slipped Epiphysis - Pinning (OR53)
Femur Osteotomy (OR54)
Open hip joint biopsy (OR55)
Manipulation of Knee Joint Under Anaesthetic (OR56)
Repair Collateral Ligament - Knee (OR57)
Open Cruciate Ligament Repair and/or Reconstruction (OR58)
Repair Of Patella Tendon - Unilateral (OR59)
Repair Of Patella Tendon with Graft - Unilateral (OR60)
Patella tendon transfer of the knee (OR61)
Partial Knee Replacement
Partial Knee Replacement
Arthroscopy Knee - Diagnostic bilateral(both side) (OR64)
Arthroscopy And Meniscectomy (with or without Chondroplasty) - Bilateral (OR65)
Arthroscopy Knee And Arthroscopic Procedure - Bilateral (OR66)
Arthroscopy And Meniscectomy (with or without Chondroplasty) - Unilateral (OR67)
Debridement Of Knee Joint (OR68)
Arthroscopic Cruciate Ligament Repair And / Or Reconstruction (OR69)
Patellectomy - Unilateral (OR70)
Repair Recurrent Dislocating Patella (OR71)
Knee - Osteotomy (OR72)
Knee Joint Resurfacing - Unilateral (OR73)
Knee Joint Resurfacing - Bilateral (OR74)
Arthrodesis Of Knee (OR75)
Bone Graft To Femur (OR76)
Repair of Leg Flexor Tendon with Graft - Unilateral (OR77)
Repair of Leg Extensor Tendon - Unilateral (OR78)
Repair of Leg Extensor Tendon with Graft - Unilateral (OR79)
Repair of Leg Flexor Tendon
Tendon Lengthening (OR81)
Foot or Ankle Tendon Transfer (OR82)
Osteotomy - Proximal Tibial (OR83)
Biceps Tendon Release Or Tenodesis (OR84)
Open Subacromial Decompression of Shoulder - Unilateral (OR85)
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair (OR86)
Excision Outer End Of Clavicle (OR87)
Open Reduction Fracture of Clavicle (OR88)
Arthroscopy - Shoulder Diagnostic (OR89)
Arthroscopy Shoulder And Other Arthroscopic Procedure (OR90)
Hemi Replacement Of Shoulder (OR91)
Manipulation Of Shoulder Joint (OR92)
Facet Joint Injection (OR93)
Intra-Discal Injection (OR94)
Discography 1 Level (OR95)
Discography 2 Or More Levels (OR96)
Anterior Cervical Fusion Below C2 1 Level (OR97)
Anterior Cervical Fusion (1 Level) Including Foramen Decompression (OR98)
Total Cervical Disc Arthroplasty - 1 Level Only (OR99)
Anterior Cervical Fusion 2 Or More Levels (OR100)
Anterior Cervical Fusion (2 Level) Including Foramen Decompression (OR101)
Posterior Cervical Fusion C1-C2 (OR102)
Posterior Cervical Fusion Below C2 1 Level (OR103)
Anterior Cervical Discectomy (OR104)
Cervical Corpectomy 1 Level (OR105)
Transthoracic Fusion 1 Level (OR106)
Transthoracic Fusion 2 or More Levels (OR107)
Posterior Thoracic Fusion 1-2 Levels (OR108)
Posterior Thoracic Fusion With Instrumentation 3+ Levels (OR109)
Thoracic spine Discectomy (OR110)
Sacroiliac Joint Injection (OR111)
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Discectomy 1 Level (OR112)
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Discectomy 2 Levels (OR113)
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Discectomy 3 or More (OR114)
Posterior / Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion Without Instrumentation 2+ Level (OR115)
Posterior / Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion Without Instrumentation 1 Level (OR116)
Posterior / Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion With Instrumentation 1 Level (OR117)
Posterior / Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion With Instrumentation 2 or More Levels (OR118)
Posterior / Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion including PLIF With Instrumentation 1 Level (OR119)
Posterior / Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion including PLIF With Instrumentation 2+ Levels (OR120)
Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF) With Instrumentation (including Discectomy) 1 Level (OR121)
Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF) With Instrumentation (including Discectomy) 2 or More Level
Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) (including Discectomy) 1 Level (OR123)
Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) (including Discectomy) 2 or More Levels (OR124)
Lumbar Corpectomy (OR125)
Posterior / Posterolateral Instrumented Lumbar Fusion and Decompression 1 Level (OR126)
Wrist Osteotomy - Unilateral (OR127)
Arthroscopy - Wrist (OR128)
Proximal Row Carpectomy removal of bones (OR129)
Wrist Arthroscopy with Additional Procedure (OR130)
Endoscopic Release Of Carpal Tunnel (OR131)
Endoscopic Release Of Carpal Tunnel
Repair of Foot Tendon (Flexor Or Extensor) (OR133)
Repair Ruptured Achilles Tendon - Open Primary (OR134)
Achilles Tendon Reconstruction (Tenotomy Percutaneous Achilles Tendon) (OR135)
Achilles - Elongation (OR136)
Tendon Reconstruction - Ankle (OR137)
Gastrocnemius Slide - Unilateral (OR138)
Ingrown Toenail - Radical Excision / Wedge Resection - Unilateral (OR139)
Ingrown Toenail - Radical Excision / Wedge Resection - Bilateral (OR140)
Arthrotomy - Ankle (OR141)
Arthroscopy - Ankle (OR142)
Arthroscopy Ankle And Therapeutic Procedure (OR143)
Tarsal Tunnel Release (OR144)
Arthrodesis - Ankle (OR145)
Ankle Triple Arthrodesis (OR146)
Talo-Navicular Arthrodesis (OR147)
Soft Tissue Correction Of Foot - Unilateral (OR148)
Bone Correction - Tarsectomy Triple (OR149)
Hallux Valgus - Unilateral (OR150)
Hallux Valgus - Bilateral (OR151)
Arthrodesis - Great Toe (OR152)
Arthrodesis - Great Toe - Bilateral (OR153)
Arthrodesis of One Lesser Toe (OR154)
Hammer Toe Repair - Bilateral (OR155)
Hammer Toe Repair unilateral (OR156)
Correction Of Hallux Valgus By Osteotomy - First Metatarsal Unilateral (OR157)
Osteotomy - Lesser Metatarsal (OR158)
Correction Of Hallux Valgus By Osteotomy - First Metatarsal Bilateral (OR159)
Tendon Transfer - Elbow (OR160)
Transposition Of Ulnar Nerve (OR161)
Ulnar Nerve Release - Elbow (OR162)
Cubital Tunnel Release (OR163)
Epicondylitis Release (Epicondylitis Debridement) (OR164)
Posterior Interosseous Nerve Release (OR165)
Supracondylar Osteotomy (OR166)
Arthroscopy Elbow (OR167)
Arthroscopy Elbow With Procedure (OR168)
Release Of Elbow Contracture (OR169)
Radial Head Excision (OR170)
Acute Osteomyelitis - Drainage Small Bone (OR171)
Acute Osteomyelitis - Drainage Large Bone (OR172)
Sub-Acute Or Chronic Osteomyelitis - Exploration (OR173)
Open Muscle Biopsy (OR174)
Excision of Intramuscular Tumour or Cyst (OR175)
Excision Of Exostosis - Deep Bone (OR176)
Excision of nail and nail matrix partial or complete - Unilateral (OR177)
Excision of nail and nail matrix partial or complete - Bilateral (OR178)
Debridement of One Digital Joint (OR179)
Osteotomy of Digit - Per Digit (OR180)
Manipulation of Joint (OR181)
Removal of Sesamoid Bone (OR182)
Removal Of Metal - Major (OR183)
Excision bone tumour (OR184)
Ganz Osteotomy (OR185)
Arthroscopic Chondroplasty Of Knee with Microfracture (OR186)
Patella Arthroplasty (OR187)
Patello-Femoral Resurfacing (OR188)
Arthroscopic Acromioplasty / Acromionectomy (OR189)
Acromioplasty or Acromionectomy - Unilateral (OR190)
Arthrodesis Of Shoulder (OR191)
Total Shoulder Replacement - Unilateral (OR192)
Revision Shoulder Replacement - Unilateral (OR193)
Shoulder Excision Arthroplasty (OR194)
Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint - Open Reduction and Repair (OR195)
Anterior Cervical Fusion C1-C2 (OR196)
Anterior Endoscopic Lumbar Fusion (OR197)
Coccygectomy (OR198)
Arthrodesis - Wrist With Bone Graft (OR199)
Total Replacement - Wrist Joint (OR200)
Replacement - Interphalangeal Joint (OR201)
Replacement MCP Joint (OR202)
Replacement Of CMC Joint (OR203)
Fusion - Thumb (OR204)
Fusion - MCP Joint (OR205)
Fusion - IP Joint (OR206)
Fusion - IP Joint With Graft (OR207)
Fusion - CMC Joint To Thumb With Bone Graft (OR208)
Fusion - CMC Joint To Digits With Graft (OR209)
Replacement Arthroplasty In Thumb - Carpal Bones (OR210)
Revision Repair of Ruptured Achilles Tendon - Unilateral (OR211)
Ankle Ligament Reconstruction (OR212)
Subtalar Arthrodesis (OR213)
Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis (OR214)
Complex Midfoot Correction - Unilateral (OR215)
Ankle Replacement (OR216)
Elbow Replacement Arthroplasty (OR217)
CT thoracic spine (OR218)
CT Cervical spine(neck) (OR219)
CT Lumboscaral spine (OR220)
CT shoulder (OR221)
CT Radius ulna (OR222)
CT Humerus (OR223)
CT Wrist joint (OR224)
CT Elbow (OR225)
CT hand (OR226)
CT pelvis with both hip (OR227)
CT femur (OR228)
CT Tibia fibula (OR229)
CT Calanuem (OR230)
CT Ankle joint (OR231)
CT foot (OR232)
3D CT Face (OR233)
3D CT Mandible (OR234)
MRI Cervical spine (OR235)
MRI thoracic /dorsoLumbar spine (OR236)
MRI Shoulder unilateral (OR237)
MRI Shoulder bilateral (OR238)
MRI Knee joint unilateral (OR239)
MRI Knee joint Bilateral (OR240)
MRI Hip joint unilateral (OR241)
MRI Hip joint Bilateral (OR242)
MRI Ankle (OR243)
MRI Elbow (OR244)
MRI Wrist and hand (OR245)
Opd Consultation (GY01)
Obstrectics and Gynaecology
Opd Consultation (GY01)
Normal delivery with Episiotomy & Perineal repair (OB1)
Cesarean Section (OB5)
Abdominal Hysterectomy (GY15)
Vaginal Hysterectomy (GY16)
Diagnostic Curettage (GY29)
D & C and Cervical Biopsy (GY31)
Polypectomy (GY32)
Laparoscopy -Diagnostic with chromopertubation (GY36)
Laparoscopy Sterilisation (GY37)
Colposcopy (GY47)
Pap smear (GY59)
Endometrial aspiration cytology (GY60)
Transvaginal sonography (TVS for Follicular monitioringaspiration) (OB29)
Hysteroscopy Diagnostic (GY71)
Sterilisation Post Partum (GY73)
Abortion- Evacuation (OB33)
MTP- 1st Trimester (OB34)
vaccum delivery (OB2)
Low Forceps delivery (OB3)
Laparotomy for Ectopic Rupture (OB9)
Laparotomy-failed laparoscopy to explore (GY2)
Salphingectomy (GY3)
Ovarean Cystectomy-laparoscopic. (GY5)
Ovarean Cystectomy -laparotomy. (GY6)
Exploration of perineal Haematoma & Resuturing of Episiotomy (OB10)
Manual Removal of Placenta (OB13)
3rd stage Complication from extra-institutional delivery (OB14)
Examition under anaesthesia (OB15)
Gaping abdominal wound Secondary Suturing (OB17)
Exploration of PPH-tear repair (OB19)
Suction evacuation vesicular mole Missed abortion D/E (OB21)
Shirodhkar Mc. Dolds stitch (GY14)
Myomectomy -laparotomy (GY17)
Laparotomy for Ectopic Pregnancy (OB 22)
Manchester Operations (GY23)
Perineorrhaphy (GY24)
Colporrhaphy with mesh. (GY25)
Colporrhaphy without mesh. (GY26)
Fractional Curettage (GY30)
Other-Minor Operation Endometrial (GY33)
Excision Vaginal Cyst/Burtholin Cyst (GY34)
Laparoscopy Operative (GY38)
Drilling of Ovary (GY41)
Laparascopic treatment of Ectopic pregnancy-salpingectomy (OB23)
LEETZ(Large Loop Excision of Transformation Zone) (GY48)
Loop Electro Surgical procedures. (GY49)
Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation (GY50)
Laparoscopic cystectomy (GY53)
In Vitro Fertilization (OB27)
Laparotomy Vault suspension (GY55)
Laparotomy radical Lymphedenectomy (GY57)
Transvaginal tubes for Stress incontinence (GY62)
Staging laparotomy surgery for CA Ovary (GY65)
Assisted breech delivery (OB30)
Hysteroscopy TCRE (GY68)
Hysteroscopy Removal of IUCD (GY69)
Hysteroscopy Removal of Septum (GY70)
Werthimas Hystrectomy for Cancer cervix (GY72)
Abortion- D & C (OB32)
MTP - 2nd Trimester (OB35)
Low midcavity forceps (OB4)
Cesarean Hysterectomy (OB6)
Rupture Uterus closure & repair with Tubal Ligation (OB7)
Perforation of Uterus after D/E Laparotomy & Closure (OB8)
Laparotomy-peritonitis Lavage and Draige (GY1)
Salphingo-Oophorectomy (GY4)
Ophorectomy-laparoscopic (GY7)
Oophorectomy-laparotomy (GY8)
Broad Ligment Haemotoma Drainage (GY9)
Exploration of abdominal Haematoma (OB11)
Internal podalic version and breech extraction (OB12)
But-abdomen Repair (GY10)
Gaping Pareneal Wound Secondary Suturing (OB16)
Complete perineal tear-repair (OB18)
Destructive Operation (OB20)
Colpotomy-draige P/V needling EUA (GY11)
Repair of post-coital tear perineal injury (GY12)
Excision of urethral caruncle (GY13)
Myomectomy -laparoscopic (GY18)
Vaginoplasty (GY19)
Vulvectomy -Simple (GY20)
Vulvectomy-Radical (GY21)
RVF (GY22)
Enterocoel repair (GY27)
Excision Vaginal Septum (GY35)
Laparoscopy LAVH (GY39)
Total laproscopic hysterectomy (GY40)
Conisation of cervix (GY42)
Trachleorraphy of cervix for early CA cervix (GY43)
Hysteroscopic cannulation (GY44)
Laparotomy recannulation of Fallopian tubes-(Tubuloplasty) (GY45)
Laparoscopic recannulation of Fallopian tubes-(Tubuloplasty) (GY46)
Chorionic Villi sampling (OB24)
Amneocentosis (OB25)
Karyotyping (OB26)
Thermal balloon ablation. (GY51)
Ultrasonographic myolysis (GY52)
Laparotomy abdominal scaro-colpopexy (GY54)
Laparoscopic Vault suspension (GY56)
Laparoscopic radical Lymphedenectomy (GY58)
laparoscopic treatment for stress incontinence (GY61)
trans-obturator tubes for Stress incontinence (GY63)
Diagnosticcystoscopy (GY64)
Cordocentesis (GY67)
Intra-uterine fetal blood transfusion (OB31)
Sterilisation Intravaginal (GY74)
Ultrasonograpy of Pelvis (GY75)
Ultrasonography early pregnancy (OB36)
Ultrasonography Dating scan (OB37)
Ultrasonography NT & NB scan (OB38)
Ultrasonography Anomaly scan (OB39)
Fetal 2D Echocardiography (OB40)
Ultrasonography Biometry (OB41)
Ultrasonography Obstrectics doppler (OB42)
Ultrasonography of AFI (OB43)
Ultrasonography 3D Obstrectics (OB44)
Neurosurgery & Neurology
Craniotomy & Evacuation of Subdural Haematoma (NS1)
Craniotomy & Evacuation of Extradural Haematoma (NS2)
CT Brain plain (NU1)
CT Brain with contrast (NU2)
MRI brain with MR angiography (NU3)
EEG study (NU4)
Carotid Artery stenting(one stent) (NU5)
Excision of Lobe (Frontal Temporal etc.) (NS3)
Excision of Brain Tumour -Supratentoral (NS4)
EMG-NCV study (NU6)
Intraarterial thrombolysis for ischemic stroke (NU7)
Epilepsy surgery (NS5)
ECT(electroconvulsive therapy) (NU8)
4 vessels cerebral angiography (NU9)
Subdural Tapping (NS6)
Ventricular Tapping (NS7)
Skull Traction Application (NS8)
Posterior Cervical Dissectomy (NS9)
Anterior Cervical Dissectomy (NS10)
Anterior Lateral Decompression (NS11)
cervical/dorsal/lumbar laminectomy (NS12)
Facial nerve reconstruction (NS14)
chronic subdural hematoma Burr hole evacuation (NS15)
Lumbar puncture (NU10)
Aneurysm coiling (NU11)
Endoscopic - aneurysm coiling (NS16)
carpel Tunnel decompression (NS17)
Clipping of intracranial aneurysm (NS18)
Transcranial doppler study (NU12)
MRI Brain plain (NU13)
MRI cervical spine (NU14)
MRI Dorsolumbar spine (NU15)
MRI Dorsolumbar spine (NU16)
Neuro ICU /day (NS18)
Evacuation /Excision of Brain Abscess (NS19)
Surgery of spinal Cord Tumour (NS20)
Ventriculoatrial /Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt (NS21)
Twist Drill Craniostomy (NS22)
Abscess Tapping (NS23)
Placement of ICP Monitor - (NS24)
Lumbar Pressure Monitoring (NS25)
Intracranial Vascular Malformations surgery (NS26)
C.S.F. Rhinorrhaea repair (NS27)
Brachial Plexus Exploration Microsuturing (NS28)
Median Nerve Decompression (NS29)
Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Peripheral Nerve Surgery-minor (NS31)
Nerve Biopsy (NU17)
Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery with fusion (NS32)
Brain Mapping (NU18)
Depressed skull Fracture surgery (NS33)
Spinal Fusion Procedure (NS34)
Trans Sphenoidal Surgery of brain (NS35)
Trans Oral Surgery of brain (NS36)
Implantation of DBS -One electrode (NS37)
Implantation of DBS -two electrodes (NS38)
Recanalisation of venous sinuses (NS39)
Cervical disc arthroplasty (NS40)
Lumbar disc arthroplasty (NS41)
Endoscopic CSF rhinorrhea rapair (NS42)
Microsurgical excision of meningomas (NS43)
Cervical laminoplasty (NS44)
IC EC bypass procedures (NS45)
Steriotactic guided craniotomy (NS46)
Programmable VP shunt (NS47)
Endoscopic sympathectomy (NS48)
External ventricular drainage (NS49)
Endoscopic cranial surgery/Biopsy/etc (NS50)
Endoscopic discectomy (NS51)
Surgery for groving skull fractures (NS52)
Surgery for intracranial Arteriovenous malformation(AVM) (NS53)
Endovascular procedure/embolisation (NS54)
steriotactic aspiration of intracerebral haematoma (NS55)
Endoscopic aspiration of intracerebellar haematoma (NS56)
CT Brain and Neck Angiogram (NU19)
CT Brain venography (NU20)
MRI Brain with contrast (NU21)
MRI BRAIN diffusion scan (NU22)
MRI Brain venography (NU23)
MRI whole spine (NU24)
MRI Brain perfusion & spectroscopy (NU25)
EMG study (NU26)
NCV study (NU27)
Video EEG study (NU28)
Sleep study (NU29)
Narcoanalysis (NU30)
Polysomnography (NU31)
Stellate Ganglion Block (NU32)
Transsphenoidal Pituitary Adenoma excision (NS57)
Excision of Brain Tumour -Infratentoral (NS58)
Theco-peritoneal Shunt (NS59)
Meningo Encephalocoele excision (NS60)
Meningomyeloceole (NS61)
Cranioplasty (NS62)
Peripheral Neurectomy (Tirgeminal) (NS63)
Trigeminal Rhiotomy (NS64)
Cranial Nerve Anastomosis (NS65)
ventriculo-Atrial Shunt (without valve) (NS66)
Brain Biopsy (NS67)
Combined Trans-oral Surgery & CV Junction Fusion (NS68)
C.V. Junction Fusion procedures (NS69)
R.F. Lesion for Trigeminal Neuralgia - (NS70)
Spasticity Surgery - (NS71)
Spinal Intra Medullary Tumour (NS72)
Spinal Bifida Surgery Major (NS73)
Spinal Bifida Surgery Minor (NS74)
Stereotaxic Procedures- biopsy/aspiration (NS75)
Endoscopic adueductoplasty (NS76)
Corpus callosectomy (NS77)
Hemishpherectomy (NS78)
Microsurgical excision of Acoustic tomour (NS79)
RF lesion for facet pain syndrome (NS80)
Lateral mass C1-C2 screw fixation (NS81)
Microsurgical decompression for Trigeminal nerve (NS82)
Cerebellar stimulation for hemifacial spasm (NS83)
Cerebellar stimulation in cranial nerve neuralgia (NS84)
Pump implantation for movement disorder (NS85)
Image guided surgery Excision of tethored (NS86)
Endoscopic 3rd ventriculostomy (NS87)
Foramen magnum decompression (NS88)
Foramen magnum decompression with syringosubarachnoid shunt (NS89)
Dorsal column stimulation for failed back syndrome (NS90)
Surgery for recurrent disc prolapse/epidural fibrosis (NS91)
Surgery for brain stem tumour (NS92)
Programmable shunts (NS93)
Decompressive craniectomy for hemishpherical lesion (NS94)
Steriotactic Radiosurgery for brain (X/gamma knife) one session (NS95)
Steriotactic Radiosurgery for brain(X//Gamma knife -Two session (NS96)
CT Orbit(eye) plain (NU33)
CT Orbit(eye) plain and contrast (NU34)
MRI CSF flowmetry (NU35)
MRI DTI brain & spine (NU36)
Suture Of Nerve Requiring Extensive Mobilisation (NS97)
Primary Suture Nerves (NS98)
Suture Of Major Peripheral Nerves - Arm/Leg (NS99)
Suture Of Digital Nerve - Hand / Foot (NS100)
Secondary Repair Of Nerve (NS101)
Excision of Neuroma
Excision of Neuroma (NS103)
Lateral Popliteal Nerve Decompression (NS104)
Excision Of Neuroma - Major Peripheral Nerves (NS105)
Intra-Spinal Injection (NU37)
Peripheral Nerve Block (NU38)
Epidural Injection Anaesthetic - Lumbar / Caudal (NU39)
IV Guanethidine Block Or Similar (NU40)
Coeliac Plexus Block (NS106)
Nerve Root Injection (Trans-Foraminal) (NS107)
Open Neurolysis of Peripheral Nerve (NS108)
Micro Vascular Decompression in Trigeminal Neuralgia (NS109)
Excision of Supratentoral Tumour Except Meningioma (NS110)
Acoustic Neuroma surgery (NS111)
Translabyrinthine Excision Of Tumour (NS112)
Posterior Fossa Craniectomy with Excision of Tumour (NS113)
Repair Of Encephalocele (NS114)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Cervical (NS115)
Posterior Fossa microvascular cranial nerve decompression (NS116)
Percutanoeus balloon compression of trigeminal Nerve/Ganglion (NS117)
Excision of Meningioma -Infratentorial (NS118)
Excision of Meningioma -Supratentorial (NS119)
Excision of Midline Base of Skull Tumour (NS120)
Excision of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumour (NS121)
Burr Hole for Biopsy of Intracranial Lesion (NS122)
Burr Hole Stereotactic Biopsy for intracranial lesion (NS123)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Thoracic (NS124)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Lumbar (NS125)
Removal Of Spinal Intradural Lesion - Sacral (NS126)
Neprhrology and Urology (Kidney)
Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) (URO1)
Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy(ESWL) (URO2)
Insertion Of Double J Stent (URO3)
Circumcision (ORO4)
AV Fistula/shunt for dialysis (URO5)
Renal Transplant (URO6)
Haemodialysis- For Sero negative cases(per session) (NEP1)
Ureteroscopy With Minor Additional Procedure (URO7)
Ureteroscopy With Major Additional Procedure (URO8)
Cystoscopy and urethroscopy (URO9)
Cystoscopy - With Or Other Minor Procedure (URO10)
Biopsy of Kidney - Ultrasound Guided (NEP2)
Peritoneal dialysis (NEP3)
Flexible Cystourethroscopy (URO11)
Flexible Cystourethroscopy - With Minor Procedure (URO12)
Cystoscopy Transrectal Ultrasound and Biopsy (TRUS) (URO13)
Cystoscopy - Removal Ureteric Calculus Or Foreign Body (URO14)
Suprapubic Catheterisation(SPC) of the Bladder (URO15)
Open Enucleation Prostate (URO16)
Prostate - Needle Biopsy (URO17)
Laser Prostatectomy (URO19)
Pubo-Vaginal Sling Operation For Incontinence (URO20)
Orchidopexy - Unilateral (URO21)
Hydrocele Repair - Unilateral (URO22)
Urethral Dilatation (URO23)
Cystoscopy With Urodynamic Assessment (URO24)
Uroflow Study (Micturometry) (URO25)
Urodymic Study (Cystometry) (URO26)
Voiding-cysto-urethrogram (URO27)
Continuous Arterio Venous Haemofiltration (NEP6)
Ultrasound Prostate (NEP11)
Plasma Exchange (NEP4)
Ultrasound KUB(kidneyuretherabladder) (NEP10)
Renal scan (NEP16)
Renal Angiography (NEP18)
Renal Artery angioplasty(unilateral) (NEP19)
Nephrectomy - Simple (URO29)
Nephrectomy - Partial (URO30)
Laparoscopic nephrectomy (URO31)
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (URO32)
Nephroureterectomy (URO33)
Pyelolithotomy (URO34)
Nephrolithotomy - Major (URO35)
Nephrostomy - Percutaneous (URO36)
Nephrostomy Tract Establishment (URO37)
Percutaneous Nephroscopy and Lithotomy-minor (URO38)
Percutaneous Nephroscopy and Lithotomy - Major (URO39)
Pyeloplasty (URO40)
Percutaneous Pyelolithotomy (URO41)
Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty (URO42)
Reimplantation Ureter - Unilateral (URO43)
Cystourethroscopy - With Bladder Neck Incision (URO44)
Cystourethroscopy - With Major Visual Urethrotomy (IRO45)
Retrograde pyelogram (URO45)
Total / Radical Cystectomy & Bladder Reconstruction (URO46)
Bladder - Repair Of Rupture (URO47)
Prostate Saturation Biopsy (URO49)
Implantation Artificial Urinary Sphincter (URO50)
Varicocele Repair- Inguinal (URO51)
Varicocele Repair- Laparoscopic (URO52)
Hydrocele Repair - Bilateral (URO53)
Dorsal Slit (URO54)
Catheterisation of urethera (URO55)
Urethera Catheterisation - With Instillation Drugs (URO56)
Transrectal Ultrasound And Biopsy of Prostate (URO57)
Dialysis Femoral Catheterization insertion (NEP8)
Double luman sub clavian catheter (NEP9)
Nephrectomy - Radical (URO60)
Open Adrenalectomy (URO61)
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy (URO62)
Laparoscopic Renal Cryotherapy (URO63)
Endopyelotomy - Retrograde (URO64)
Endopyelotomy - Antegrade (URO65)
Radiofrequency Ablation of Kidney Tumour (URO66)
Reimplantation Ureter - Bilateral (URO67)
Ureterolithotomy (URO68)
Ureterolysis - Open Unilateral or Bilateral (URO69)
Ureterolysis - Laparoscopic Unilateral or Bilateral (URO70)
Reduction Ureteroplasty And Reimplant - 1st Stage (URO71)
Reduction Ureteroplasty And Reimplant - 2nd Stage (URO72)
Colposuspension - Open (URO73)
Needle Colposuspension Endoscopic Bladder Neck Suspension (URO74)
Transurethral Resection Bladder Tumour -Minor (URO75)
Transurethral Resection Bladder Tumour -Major (URO76)
Cystoscopic Destruction And Removal Bladder Calculus (URO77)
Incision Of Bladder Neck (URO78)
Total / Radical Cystectomy With Ileal Conduit Diversion (URO79)
Radical Cystoprostatectomy (URO80)
Bladder Tumours Suprapubic Diathermy (URO81)
Cystoscopic Destruction & Removal Bladder Calculus - Minor <2.5cm (URO82)
Cystoscopic Destruction & Removal Bladder Calculus - Major > 2.5cm (URO83)
Laser Resection Of Bladder Tumour - Minor (URO84)
Laser Resection Of Bladder Tumour - Major (URO85)
Cystolithotomy (URO86)
Diverticulum Of Bladder Excision Or Obliteration (URO87)
Cystoplasty (URO88)
Laparoscopic Colposuspension (URO89)
Ventro-Suspension (URO90)
Partial Cystectomy (URO91)
Laparoscopic Prostatectomy (URO92)
Laparoscopic Prostatectomy with Node Dissection (URO93)
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy (URO94)
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy with Node Dissection (URO95)
Perineal Prostatectomy (URO96)
Prostate Brachytherapy (URO97)
Prostate Cryotherapy (URO98)
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy (URO99)
TVT Sling Revision (URO100)
Male Sling operation (URO101)
Excision or Cauterisation of Caruncle (URO102)
Periurethral Injection for Incontinence (URO103)
Urethrectomy (URO104)
Urethroplasty - Stage 1 (URO105)
Urethroplasty - Stage 2 (URO106)
Urethroplasty Stricture Repair/ Urethral Diverticulum - Minor (URO107)
Urethroplasty Stricture Repair/Urethral Diverticulum Major (URO108)
Urethroplasty and Buccal Graft (URO109)
Urethroplasty - One Stage Transpubic (URO110)
Urethroplasty - Revision For Recurrent Stricture (URO111)
Urethrotomy - Internal (URO112)
Urethral Diverticulum (URO113)
Orchidopexy - Bilateral (URO114)
Epididymal Cyst Spermatocele or Epididymectomy - Unilateral (URO115)
Epididymal Cysts Spermatocele or Epididymectomy - Bilateral (URO116)
Testicular Biopsy (URO117)
Undescended Testis - Laparoscopy (URO118)
Simple Scrotal Orchidectomy
Simple Scrotal Orchidectomy
Radical Orchidectomy (URO121)
Testicular Prosthesis Insertion (URO122)
Preputioplasty (URO123)
Penile Biopsy (URO124)
Penis - Amputation (URO125)
Penile Plication For Peyronie
Penile Prosthesis - Semi Rigid (URO127)
Penile Prosthesis - Inflatable (URO128)
Penile Warts Or Genital Skin Lesion Excision (URO129)
Haemodialysis- For Sero positive cases (NEP5)
Continuous Veno- Venous Haemofiltration (NEP6)
Ultrasound Testis (NEP12)
CT Abdomen pelvis plain (NEP13)
CT Abdomen pelvis plain +contrast (NEP14)
Renal Scan(DTPA) (NEP15)
Renal scan (NEP16)
Renal scan (NEP17)
Renal Artery angioplasty(bilateral) (NEP20)
Renal Artery denervation procedure (NEP21)
Renal Venography (NEP22)
Adrenal vein sampling (NEP23)
Dermatology & Plastic Surgery
Opd Consultation(DER01)
Medicated Facial(DER02)
Circumcision (PS1)
Liposuction (PS2)
Plastic Surgery of Ear - Minor (PS10)
Plastic Surgery of Nose - Minor (PS12)
microliposuction(fat transfer) (DER1)
Allergy skin testing (DER20)
Injection (PS62)
Chemical Peel (DER6)
Phototherapy per cycle (PUVA) & UVB (DEER24)
Acne scar revision (DER2)
Laser Hair removal (DER7)
Tattoo removal (DER10)
Face Lift (PS65)
Neck lift (PS104)
Patch testing (DER22)
Non invasive body contouring (DER19)
upto 30% burn subsequent dressing (PS21)
30% to 50% Burns 1st Dressing (PS22)
30% to 50% burn subsequent dressing (PS22)
Extensive Burn -above 50% Frist Dressing (PS23)
Extensive Burn -above 50% Subsequent dressing (PS24)
Primary Suturing of Wound (PS25)
Injection of Keloids (PS26)
Free Grafts - Wolfe Grafts (PS28)
Free Grafts -5-10% (PS30)
Skin Flaps - Rotation Flaps (PS32)
Skin Flaps -cross finger (PS35)
Reduction of Facial Fractures of Nose (PS42)
Reduction of Facial Fractures of Maxilla (PS43)
Reduction of Fractures of Mandible & Maxilla - Eye Let (PS44)
ORIF of Facial bones (PS47)
Interl Wire Fixation of Mandible & Maxilla (PS67)
Gynaecomastia Surgery unilateral(one side) (PS73)
Diabetic Foot Surgery (PS76)
Debridement (PS77)
Pressure Sore Surgery (PS81)
Fractures of the Hand (PS83)
Tendon repair (PS84)
Nerve repair (PS86)
Scar Revision (PS101)
Burns wound excision (PS102)
Burns Collagen sheet application (PS103)
Syndactyly Repair (PSA8)
Cleft Lip - repair. (PS3)
Cleft Palate Repair (PS4)
Primary Bone Grafting for alveolar cleft in Cleft Lip (PS5)
Secondary Surgery for Cleft Lip Deformity (PS6)
Secondary Surgery for Cleft Palate (PS7)
Reconstruction of Eyelid Defects - Minor (PS8)
Reconstruction of Eyelid Defects - Major (PS9)
Plastic Surgery of Ear - Major (PS11)
Plastic Surgery of the Nose - Major (PS13)
Plastic Surgery for Facial Paralysis ( with Reanimation) (PS14)
Pendulous Breast - Mammoplasty (PS15)
Underdeveloped Breast Mammoplasty (PS16)
After Mastectomy (Reconstruction)Mammoplasty (PS17)
Dermabrasion Face (PS19)
Injection of Keloids -hemangioma (PS27)
Free Grafts - Theirech-<5% (PS29)
Free Grafts - Very Large Area 20% and above. (PS31)
Skin Flaps -Advancement flap (PS33)
Skin Flaps -direst cross leg arm flap (PS34)
Skin Flaps -abdomen (PS36)
Skin Flaps -thoracic (PS37)
Skin Flaps -Arm (PS38)
Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps Raising (PS39)
Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps Delay (PS40)
Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps Transfer (PS41)
Excision of Skin tumours (PS48)
Reconstruction of Scalp (PS52)
Reconstruction of Forehead (PS53)
Reconstruction of Cheeks (PS54)
Reconstruction of Lips (PS55)
Reconstruction of Neck (PS56)
Reconstruction of Maxilla and Skull base (PS57)
Reconstruction of Mandible (PS58)
Reconstruction of Oral Cavity (PS59)
Reconstruction of Pharynx and Esophagus (PS60)
Laser Resurfacing (PS61)
Injection of Fillers (PS63)
Fat grafting (PS64)
Forehead lift (PS66)
Abdominoplasty (PS68)
Facial skeletal Augmentation with implants (PS69)
Osseous genioplasty (PS70)
Hair Transplantation (PS71)
Mastopexy (PS72)
Thoracic and Abdominal wall Reconstruction (PS75)
Vaginoplasty Vulvoplasty Hymenoplasty (PS80)
Lymphedema Surgery (PS82)
Tendon transfer (PS85)
Nerve transfer (PS87)
Neurolysis (PS88)
Brachial Plexus Surgery (PS89)
Compression Neuropathy Surgeries (PS90)
Polydactyly (PS91)
Thumb Hypoplasia Surgeries (PS92)
Other Congenital Hand Anomalies Surgery (PS93)
Dupuytrens Disease Surgery (PS94)
Dequervains Tenosynovitis Surgery (PS95)
Microvascular Artery and vein repair (PS96)
Replantation of Fingers and Thumb (PS97)
Replantation of Hand (PS98)
Liver spot and aging hand revision (DER5)
Laser and intense pulse light(IPL) application (DER8)
Dermal fillers (DER14)
Microdermabrasion (DER15)
Non ablative laser rejuvenation (DER18)
Desensitisation therapy (DER23)
Reduction of Fractures of Mandible & Maxilla - Cast netal splint (PS45)
Reduction of Fractures of Mandible & Maxilla -gumming splint (PS46)
Craniofacial anomalies and Clefts Surgery (PS49)
orthognatic surgery (PS50)
Skull base Surgery (PS51)
Reconstruction of Perineum (PS78)
Reconstruction of Penis (PS79)
Hand Transplant (PS99)
Face Transplant (PS100)
Ambulatory Phlebectomy (DER3)
Blepharoplasty (DER4)
Photodynamic therapy (DER9)
Tissue tightening (DER11)
Cryolipolysis (DER12)
Cryosurgery (DER13)
Micropigmentation (DER16)
Microwave thermolysis (DER17)
Therapy for allergy (per cycle) (DER21)
Opd Consultation(DER01)
Oncology & Oncosurgery
Full body PET and CT scan (CAN1)
Bone marrow aspiration & cytology (CAN35)
Bone marrow transplant (CAN37)
Peripheral smear cytology (CAN35)
RadicaL Mastectomy (CAN38)
Modified radical Mastectomy(MRM) (GS38)
Open Enucleation Prostate (URO16)
Transrectal Ultrasound And Biopsy of Prostate (URO57)
Prostate - Needle Biopsy (URO17)
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy (URO94)
Laser Prostatectomy (URO19)
Commondo Operation (ENT113)
Excision of Lobe (Frontal Temporal etc.) (NS3)
Excision of Brain Tumour -Supratentoral (NS4)
SRT (Stereotactic radiotherapy) (CAN16)
Modified Radical Neck Dissection (ENT65)
Blood Cell CD Marker assay (CAN36)
Total Thyroidectomy (ENT56)
Laparoscopic Partial Gastrectomy (GS25)
Gastrectomy - Partial (GS26)
Hepatectomy (GS32)
Biopsy of Kidney - Ultrasound Guided (NEP2)
Laparoscopic Liver Biopsy (GS33)
Liver Lobectomy (Right Or Left) (GS34)
Radiofrequency Ablation of the Liver (GS35)
Colostomy (GS36)
Cystoscopy Transrectal Ultrasound and Biopsy (TRUS) (URO13)
Suprapubic Catheterisation(SPC) of the Bladder (URO15)
AFP/alpha feto protein levels (CAN33)
CEA levels (CAN34)
CA125 (CAN35)
CA19.9 (CAN36)
Beta HCG (CAN37)
Colostomy Closure (GS37)
Bilateral Mastectomy (GS39)
Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy (GS42)
Operation For Acute Intestinal Obstruction (GS43)
Colonoscopy with Biospy (GE7)
Colonoscopy with Biopsy and Dilatation (GE8)
Colonoscopy With Removal of Polyps (GE9)
Polypectomy (GS48)
Creation of Gastrostomy or Jejunostomy (GS55)
Ovarean Cystectomy-laparoscopic. (GY5)
Ovarean Cystectomy -laparotomy. (GY6)
Laparoscopic cystectomy (GY53)
Laparotomy radical Lymphedenectomy (GY57)
Staging laparotomy surgery for CA Ovary (GY65)
Werthimas Hystrectomy for Cancer cervix (GY72)
Block Dissection of Cervical Lymph Nodes (ENT19)
Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge-Excision (ENT20)
Open Muscle Biopsy (OR174)
Excision of Intramuscular Tumour or Cyst (OR175)
Excision Of Exostosis - Deep Bone (OR176)
Nephrectomy - Simple (URO29)
Nephrectomy - Partial (URO30)
Laparoscopic nephrectomy (URO31)
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (URO32)
Cystourethroscopy - With Bladder Neck Incision (URO44)
Total / Radical Cystectomy & Bladder Reconstruction (URO46)
Bladder - Repair Of Rupture (URO47)
Surgery of spinal Cord Tumour (NS20)
Nerve Biopsy (NU17)
Trans Sphenoidal Surgery of brain (NS35)
Microsurgical excision of meningomas (NS43)
Transsphenoidal Pituitary Adenoma excision (NS57)
Linear accelerator (CAN13)
IMRT(Intensity modulated radiotherapy) (CAN15)
Stereotactic radio surgery (CAN17)
IGRT(Image guided radiotherapy) (CAN18)
Respiratory Gating-alongwith Linear accelerator (CAN19)
Electron beam with Linear (CAN20)
Tomotherapy (CAN21)
Brachytherapy- High Dose radiation (CAN22)
Intracavitatory Brachytherapy (CAN23)
Conformal radiotherapy (CAN24)
Intraluminal brachytherapy (CAN25)
Selective internal radiation therapy (CAN29)
CT guided Biospy (Abdomen) (CAN33)
CT guided Biospy (Chest) (CAN34)
Mandibulectomy (ENT47)
Partial Glossectomy (ENT48)
Hemiglossectomy (ENT49)
Parotidectomy - Superficial (ENT50)
Parotidectomy - total (ENT51)
Hemithyroidectomy (ENT53)
Partial Thyroidectomy (lobectomy) (ENT54)
Subtotal Thyroidectomy (ENT55)
Resection Enucleation of thyroid Adenoma (ENT57)
Total Thyroidectomy and Block Dissection (ENT58)
Laryngectomy (ENT59)
Laryngo Pharyngectomy (ENT60)
Direct Laryngoscopy including biopsy under GA (ENT61)
Microlaryngeal Surgery (ENT64)
Total Laryngectomy (ENT66)
Flap Reconstructive Surgery (ENT67)
Laproscopic Splenectomy (GS69)
Open Splenectomy (GS70)
Gastrectomy - Total (GS71)
Total Gastrectomy And Oesaphogectomy (GS72)
Repair Of Pancreatic Duct Sphincter (GS74)
Small Bowel Resection (GS75)
Laparoscopic Small Bowel Resection (GS77)
Biopsy of Internal Mass or Tumour (standalone) (GS78)
Removal Of Submandibular Salivary Gland (GS89)
Hemimandibulectomy (GS91)
Segmental Mandible Excision (GS92)
Carotid Body-Tumours Excision (GS93)
Biopsy of Liver open incidental (GS94)
Biopsy of Liver - With Ultrasound Guidance (GS95)
Biopsy of Liver -CT guided (GS96)
Hepatic Cryotherapy (GS97)
Operation On Adrenal Glands Unilateral For Tumour (GS102)
Operation For Volvulus Of Large Bowel (GS106)
Left Hemi Colectomy (GS108)
Right Hemi Colectomy (GS109)
Total Colectomy (GS110)
Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction (Noble Plication Other) (GS127)
Resection & Anastomosis Of Small Intestine (GS128)
Pull Through Abdominal Resection (GS131)
Anterior Resection (GS132)
Lipoma excision(deep) (GS135)
Oesophageal stenting (GE18)
Enteral stenting (GE20)
Duodel stricture dilation (GE21)
Single balloon enterocopy (GE22)
Double balloon enteroscopy (GE23)
Wireless Capsule endoscopy (GE24)
Colonic stenting (GE27)
Endoscopic sphincterotomy (GE28)
Biliary stenting (plastic and metallic) (GE29)
Balloon dilatation of papilla (GE35)
Biliary stenting (GE37)
Salphingo-Oophorectomy (GY4)
Ophorectomy-laparoscopic (GY7)
Oophorectomy-laparotomy (GY8)
Exploration of abdominal Haematoma (OB11)
Vulvectomy -Simple (GY20)
Vulvectomy-Radical (GY21)
Trachleorraphy of cervix for early CA cervix (GY43)
Laparoscopic radical Lymphedenectomy (GY58)
Lateral Rhinotomy (ENT68)
Cranio-facial resection (ENT69)
Caldwell Luc Surgery (ENT70)
Angiofibroma Excision (ENT71)
Endoscopic Hypophysectomy (ENT72)
Endoscopic Optic Nerve Decompression (ENT73)
Decompression of Orbit (ENT74)
Amputation & Excision of External Auditory Meatus (ENT88)
Excision of Carotid Body-Tumour (ENT94)
Carcinoma Lip - Vermilionectomy (ENT97)
Carcinoma Lip - Wedge Excision & Vermilonectomy (ENT98)
Skull Base surgery (ENT111)
Total Glossectomy (ENT112)
Parotidectomy -Radical (ENT114)
Excision of Lingual Thyroid (ENT116)
Excision of Parathyroid Adenoma/Carcinoma (ENT118)
Benign Tumour Excisions (ENT123)
Carotid Body Excision (ENT124)
Parapharyngeal Tumour Excision (ENT125)
Excision bone tumour (OR184)
Nephrectomy - Radical (URO60)
Open Adrenalectomy (URO61)
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy (URO62)
Laparoscopic Renal Cryotherapy (URO62)
Radiofrequency Ablation of Kidney Tumour (URO62)
Reduction Ureteroplasty And Reimplant - 1st Stage (URO62)
Reduction Ureteroplasty And Reimplant - 2nd Stage (URO62)
Transurethral Resection Bladder Tumour -Minor (URO62)
Transurethral Resection Bladder Tumour -Major (URO62)
Total / Radical Cystectomy With Ileal Conduit Diversion (URO62)
Radical Cystoprostatectomy (URO62)
Bladder Tumours Suprapubic Diathermy (URO62)
Laser Resection Of Bladder Tumour - Minor (URO62)
Laser Resection Of Bladder Tumour - Major (URO62)
Laparoscopic Prostatectomy (URO62)
Laparoscopic Prostatectomy with Node Dissection (URO62)
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy with Node Dissection (URO62)
Perineal Prostatectomy (URO62)
Prostate Brachytherapy (URO62)
Prostate Cryotherapy (URO62)
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy (URO62)
Testicular Biopsy (URO62)
Simple Scrotal Orchidectomy
Simple Scrotal Orchidectomy
Radical Orchidectomy (URO62)
Testicular Prosthesis Insertion (URO62)
Penile Biopsy (URO62)
Penis - Amputation (URO62)
Penile Prosthesis - Semi Rigid (URO62)
Penile Prosthesis - Inflatable (URO62)
Adrenal vein sampling (URO62)
Excision of Brain Tumour -Infratentoral (URO62)
Brain Biopsy (URO62)
Spinal Intra Medullary Tumour (URO62)
Stereotaxic Procedures- biopsy/aspiration (URO62)
Microsurgical excision of Acoustic tomour (URO62)
Surgery for brain stem tumour (URO62)
Excision of Neuroma
Excision of Neuroma (URO62)
Excision Of Neuroma - Major Peripheral Nerves (URO62)
Excision of Tumour - Supratentorial (Except Meningioma) (URO62)
Acoustic Neuroma surgery (URO62)
Translabyrinthine Excision Of Tumour (URO62)
Posterior Fossa Excision of Tumour (URO62)
Percutanoeus balloon compression of trigeminal Nerve/Ganglion (URO62)
Craniotomy and Excision of Meningioma -Infratentorial (URO62)
Craniotomy and Excision of Meningioma -Supratentorial (URO62)
Craniotomy and Excision of Midline Base of Skull Tumour (URO62)
Craniotomy and Excision of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumour (URO62)
131-lodine Therapy (URO62)
131 Therapy 15-50mCi (URO62)
131 Therapy 51-100mCi (URO62)
131 Therapy >100mCi (URO62)
Phosphorus-32 therapy for metastatic bone pain (URO62)
Samarium-153 therapy for metastatic bone pain (URO62)
Radiosynovectomy with Yttrium (URO62)
Cobalt 60 therapy (URO62)
Proton therapy (URO62)
Electron beam radiotherapy (URO62)
Adaptive radiotherapy (URO62)
General Treatment, Labs & Imaging
Blood Test Packages (LAB01)
Health Checkup (GEN01)
CBC/complete blood count (LAB1)
LFT/Liver function test (LAB2)
RFT/Renal function test (LAB3)
ICU bed charge/day (GEN1)
CT Abdomen pelvis plain +contrast (NEP14)
MRI brain with MR angiography (NU3)
CT Brain with contrast (NU2)
Cardiac MRI (C50)
MRI thoracic /dorsoLumbar spine (OR236)
Diagnostic ultrasound(ABDOMEN) (GS51)
Lipid profile/cholestrol test (LAB4)
FBS PLBS(Fasting and post lunch sugar) (LAB5)
Full body PET and CT scan (CAN1)
TFT/thyroid function test (LAB7)
Vitamin D3 Levels (LAB9)
Triple H(HbsAgAnti HCVHIV) (LAB14)
Mammography (LAB51)
Dengue IgM (LAB9)
Chikungunya IgM (LAB10)
HINI Titre (LAB11)
Urine Routine (LAB13)
General ward bed charge/day (GEN2)
Economy ward bed charge/day (GEN3)
Twin sharing bed charge /day (GEN4)
Semi deluxe room bed charge/day (GEN5)
Deluxe room bed charge/day (GEN6)
Deaddiction for Alcohol addiction (GEN7)
Ultrasound Prostate (NEP11)
Ultrasound KUB(kidneyuretherabladder) (NEP10)
CT Abdomen pelvis plain (NEP13)
Ultrasonography Anomaly scan (OB39)
CT Brain plain (NU1)
MRI Brain plain (NU13)
MRI Brain with contrast (NU21)
2D Echocardiography(Adult) (C73)
Cardiac stress test/TMT (C30)
ECG/EKG(Electrocardiogram) (C68)
Pap smear (GY59)
Dexa scan (LAB54)
Transrectal Ultrasound And Biopsy of Prostate (URO57)
Transvaginal sonography (Follicular monitioring) (OB29)
Bone marrow aspiration & cytology (CAN35)
Coagulation profile (LAB15)
Cardiac marker:CPKMB (LAB16)
Cardiac marker:Troponin I quantative assay (LAB17)
Cardiac marker:Troponin T quantative assay (LAB18)
hsCRP (LAB55)
Fibrogen level (LAB57)
lipoprotein A (LAB56)
NT pro BNP level (LAB19)
D-dimer assay (LAB20)
AFP/alpha feto protein levels (LAB21)
CEA levels (LAB22)
Beta HCG (LAB23)
Serum Iron study (LAB24)
Semen analysis (LAB25)
CSF fluid analysis (LAB26)
Pleural fluid analysis (LAB27)
Ascites fluid Analysis (LAB28)
ADA levels of body fluid (LAB29)
Blood Culture (LAB30)
Body fluid culture(CSF/Ascites/Pleeural) (LAB31)
Urine culture (LAB32)
TB gold (LAB33)
Widal titre /Typhoid (LAB35)
Malaria Antigen (LAB36)
Cardiac ICU bed charges/ day (C15)
Neonatal ICU bed charge/day (GEN8)
Pediatric ICU bed charge/Day (GEN9)
Neuro ICU /day (NS18)
Suite room bed charge/day (GEN10)
Deadiction for Smoking/Tobacco addiction (GEN11)
Audiometry (LAB52)
Uroflow Study (Micturometry) (URO25)
Urodymic Study (Cystometry) (URO26)
Voiding-cysto-urethrogram (URO27)
Allergy skin testing (DER20)
Patch testing (DER22)
CT thoracic spine (OR218)
CT Cervical spine(neck) (OR219)
HRCT Chest (LAB55)
CT chest with contrast (LAB56)
CT Lumboscaral spine (OR220)
Dacryocystography (OP87)
Hysteroscopy Diagnostic (GY71)
Ultrasonograpy of Pelvis (GY75)
Ultrasonography early pregnancy (OB36)
Ultrasonography Dating scan (OB37)
Ultrasonography NT & NB scan (OB38)
Fetal 2D Echocardiography (OB40)
Ultrasonography Obstrectics doppler (OB42)
Ultrasonography of AFI (OB43)
EEG study (NU4)
EMG-NCV study (NU6)
MRI cervical spine (NU14)
MRI lumbarsacral spine (NU15)
CT Brain and Neck Angiogram (NU19)
CT Brain venography (NU20)
MRI BRAIN diffusion scan (NU22)
MRI Brain venography (NU23)
MRI whole spine (NU24)
MRI Brain perfusion & spectroscopy (NU25)
EMG study (NU26)
NCV study (NU27)
Video EEG study (NU28)
Sleep study (NU29)
2D Echocardiography(Child) (C74)
CT Aortogram (C51)
CT Peripheral Angiography (C52)
CT pulmonary angiography (C54)
Ultrasound guided FNAC (GS52)
Ultrasound guided abscess drainage (GS53)
PCT/procalcitonin levels (LAB37)
CA125 (LAB38)
CA19.9 (LAB39)
Hemoglobin electrophoresis (LAB40)
DNA analysis for paternity testing (LAB41)
Anaerobic Culture (LAB42)
Fungal Culture (LAB43)
HIV Westren blot (LAB45)
Serum protein electrophoresis (LAB47)
G6PD levels (LAB48)
stool routine (LAB49)
Stool culture (LAB50)
Isolation room bed charge/day (GEN12)
Deaddiction for Cocaine/Marjuna etc (GEN13)
Rehablitation Services for Stroke/Accident (GEN14)
Biopsy of Kidney - Ultrasound Guided (NEP2)
Prostate - Needle Biopsy (URO17)
Retrograde pyelogram (URO45)
Catheterisation of urethera (URO55)
Urethera Catheterisation - With Instillation Drugs (URO56)
Testicular Biopsy (URO117)
Ultrasound Testis (NEP12)
Renal Scan(DTPA) (NEP15)
Renal scan (NEP16)
Renal scan(enhanced DTPA ) (NEP17)
Renal Venography (NEP22)
Adrenal vein sampling (NEP23)
CT shoulder (OR221)
CT Radius ulna (OR222)
CT Humerus (OR223)
CT Wrist joint (OR224)
CT Elbow (OR225)
CT hand (OR226)
CT pelvis with both hip (OR227)
CT femur (OR228)
CT Tibia fibula (OR229)
CT Calanuem (OR230)
CT Ankle joint (OR231)
CT foot (OR232)
3D CT Face (OR233)
3D CT Mandible (OR234)
MRI Cervical spine (OR235)
MRI Shoulder unilateral (OR237)
MRI Shoulder bilateral (OR238)
MRI Knee joint unilateral (OR239)
MRI Knee joint Bilateral (OR240)
MRI Hip joint unilateral (OR241)
MRI Hip joint Bilateral (OR242)
MRI Ankle (OR243)
MRI Elbow (OR244)
MRI Wrist and hand (OR245)
X- Ray orbit (OP86)
Orbital angio-graphical studies (OP88)
CT ORBIT(Plain) (OP89)
CT ORBIT(With contrast) (OP90)
MRI ORBIT(With contrast) (OP92)
Ultrasonography Biometry (OB41)
Ultrasonography 3D Obstrectics (OB44)
Brain Mapping (NU18)
Narcoanalysis (NU30)
Polysomnography (NU31)
24 hour Holter study (C20)
Stress Echocardiography (C33)
Cardiac CT for pericardium (C53)
AMBP Study(24 hour BP Monitoring) (C57)
Extended holter study(72 hours) (C59)
Stress thallium scan (C63)
Cardiac PET (C64)
HUTT(head up tilt test) (C65)
Event Recorder (C72)
CT guided biospy (GS151)
Ultrasound Abdomen and pelvis (GS152)
Virtual Colonoscopy /Enteroscopy (CT) (GS154)
Multiple test to Adults/Audiometry (ENT105)
Speech Discrimition Score (ENT106)
Speech Assessment (ENT107)
Speech therapy per session of 30-40 minutes (ENT108)
Cold Calorie Test for Vestibular function (ENT109)
ANA ase (LAB58)
DNA ase (LAB59)
RA factor (LAB61)
Anti-CCP (LAB62)
HLA-B27 (LAB63)
APLA titre (LAB65)
Dental Procedures
OPD Consultation (D01)
Teeth whitening (D1)
Scaling & polishing (D2)
Root cal Treatment(RCT) Anterior teeth (D3)
Root cal Treatment(RCT) Posterior teeth (D4)
Metal Crown-per unit (D5)
Smile designing (D6)
Flap Operation per quadrant (D7)
Gingivectomy per quadrant (D8)
Complicated Ext. per Tooth under LA (D9)
Extraction of impacted tooth under LA (D10)
Excision of Cyst & tumour of Maxilla /mandible in LA(under 4cm) (D11)
Excision Cyst & tumour of Maxilla/mandible by GA (D12)
Biopsy Intraoral-Soft tissue (D13)
Metal crown with Acrylic facing per unit (D14)
Removable partial denture-Acrylic based-upto 3 teeth (D15)
Removable partial denture-Acrylic based-more than 3 teeth (D16)
Amalgum restoration-per tooth (D17)
Composite Restoration-per tooth-anterior tooth (D18)
Glas Ionomer-per tooth (D19)
Fixed Orhtodontics-per Arch (D20)
singe implant - anterior and posterior (D21)
Implant supported bridge (D22)
Ceramic crowns (D23)
Reduction & immobilasation of fracture- Maxilla Under LA (D24)
Reduction & immobilasation of fracture-Mandible Under LA (D25)
splints/Cirucum mandibular wiring under LA (D26)
splints/Cirucum mandibular wiring under GA (D27)
Interl wire fixation/plate fixation of (D28)
Interl wire fixation/plate fixation of Maxilla under GA (D29)
Interl wire fixation/plate fixation of Mandible under LA (D30)
Interl wire fixation/plate fixation of (D31)
Extraction in patients with systemic GA (D32)
TM joint ankylosis- under GA (D33)
Biopsy Intraoral-Bone (D34)
Hemi-mandibulectomy (D35)
Hemi-mandibulectomy without graft (D36)
Segmental-mandibulectomy (D37)
Segmental-mandibulectomy without graft (D38)
Maxillectomy- Total (D39)
Maxillectomy- partial (D40)
renalease of fibrous bands & grafting -in (OSMF) under GA (D41)
Pre-prosthetic surgery- Alveoloplasty (D42)
Pre-prosthetic surgery - ridge augmentation (D43)
Apicoectomy- Single root (D44)
Apicoectomy-Multiple roots (D45)
Complete single denture-metal based (D46)
Complete denture- acrylic based per arch (D47)
Removable partial denture-Metal based-more than 3 teeth (D48)
Removable Orthodontics appliance- per arch (D49)
Space maintaine-Fixed (D50)
Habit breaking appliances-removable (D51)
Habit breaking appliances-Fixed (D52)
Expansion plate (D53)
Feeding appliance for cleft palate (D54)
Maxillo-facial prosthesis (sal/auricular/orbital/facial lost part) (D55)
Functiol orthodentic appliances (D56)
Obturator (Maxillo-facial) (D57)
Occlusal night guard(splint) (D58)
Implant supported overdenture (D59)
Fixed prosthesis with implants (D60)
Full mouth rehabilitation (D61)
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